Tag: wooCommerce

How to Create Plugin in WordPress?

Step 1 Open the plugin Folder inside the wp-content using this pathC:\xampp\htdocs\shairy_portfolio\wp-content\pluginsCreate a new folder with Unique Name inside above path and open itNow create a new php file with the same name of folder....

Woo Commerce End Points

Endpoints are an additional part in the site URL that is distinguished to show diverse substance when present. For instance: You may have a 'my account' page appeared at URL yoursite.com/my-account. At the point when the endpoint 'alter account' is...

Set up Linked Products in Woo Commerce -5

Items can be Related to one another in three way: Up-SellsCross-Sellsby having similar tags or categories. To add an up-sell or Cross-Sells to an item: Go to WooCommerce > Products and select the item on which you'd prefer to show an...

Install Woo Commerce Plugin -2

WooCommerce can be installed in the same as any other WordPress plugin. Following are the steps to install WooCommerce. Go to WordPress Dashboard / Plugins / Add New.Then click on the “Install Now” button next to the plugin.After that this...

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