Login user with JSON Web Token Almost all the process is similar as we done in previous step for login user but now we do the same thing with JWT. For this we have to perform the following steps: Now create Login Function in user. php of... READ MORE >>
Create user with JSON Web Token Almost all the process is similar as we done in previous step to create the user but now we do the same thing with JWT. For this we have to perform the following steps: Download composer using command in api... READ MORE >>
JWT is JSON Web Token that defines a way for securely transmitting information between different parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC... READ MORE >>
Session is used in a single-server application by session ID. A server will need to find a valid session ID on every HTTP request. If your application needs multiple servers, you cannot use session IDs for user authorization. JWT helps solve... READ MORE >>
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