User Authentication using REST API and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) – Step 6

User Authentication using REST API and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) – Step 6

Create user with JSON Web Token

Almost all the process is similar as we done in previous step to create the user but now we do the same thing with JWT. For this we have to perform the following steps:

  1. Download composer using command in api folder using composer require firebase/php-jwt
  2. Create new file core. php in config folder

// show error reporting

// set your default time-zone

// variables used for jwt
$key = "shairy";
$payload = array(

    "issued_at" => time(),
    "expiration_time" => time() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60), // valid for 1 year
    "issuer" => "http: //",

3. Use thses lines in starting of create_user.php files

require ‘../vendor/autoload.php’;

use Firebase\JWT\JWT;

include_once ‘../config/core.php’;

4. The following create code change and use JWT

// create the user
if (
    !empty($user->name) &&
    !empty($user->email) &&
    !empty($user->password) &&
) {

    // set response code

    array_push($payload, array('data' => array("email" => $user->email)));
    $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key);
    // tell the user
    echo json_encode(array("message" => "User was inserted.", "token" => $jwt));


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