Category: JavaScript/Jquery

Manipulating Elements in DOM

1. createElement() – create a new element and returns a new Node with the Element type. Syntax let element = document.createElement(htmlTag); 2. appendChild()  – append a node to a list of child nodes of a specified parent...

Task Using Selecting Attribute of DOM

In the Below HTML Code task perform the following : First select the button with the id send by using the querySelector() method.Second, set the value of the name attribute to submit using the setAttribute() method. Then get the value of name...

Use of Attribute in DOM

HTML Attributes & DOM Object’s Properties – understand the relationship between HTML attributes & DOM object’s properties. setAttribute() – set the value of a specified attribute on a element. getAttribute() – get the value...

Task Using Traversing Elements in DOM

Task 1 : In the below task find all the next sibling of "spl" id H1 Tag  <div id="demo">                 <h1>This is Heading...

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