Task Using Traversing Elements in DOM

Task Using Traversing Elements in DOM

Task 1 : In the below task find all the next sibling of “spl” id H1 Tag 

<div id=”demo”>

                <h1>This is Heading 1</h1>

                <h1 id=”spl”>This is Heading 1</h1>

                <h2>This is a Heading 2</h2>

                <h2>This is a Heading 2</h2>

                <h2>This is a Heading 2</h2>


Solution of Task 1


        let content = document.getElementById(‘spl’);

                                let nextSibling = content.nextElementSibling;




                                nextSibling = nextSibling.nextElementSibling;



Task 2 Find the following in below code

  • First find the h2 using query selector
  • Through this h2 find div of id demo
  • Then find all the elements of this div
  • At last find h4 via children

 <div id=”demo”>

                <h1>This is a Heading 1</h1>

                <h2>This is a Heading 2</h2>

                <h3>This is a Heading 3</h3>

                <h4>This is a Heading 4</h4>

                <h5>This is a Heading 5</h5>

                <h6>This is a Heading 6</h6>


Solution of Task 2


const content = document.querySelector(‘h2’);
const parentElement = content.parentElement;
const children = parentElement.children;
const fourthItem = parentElement.children[3]


Task 3 Find the following in below code

  • Select .HouseHold with document.querySelector
  • Select .vegetables from .HouseHold
  • Select all vegetables with querySelectorAll, starting from .vegetables
  • Select all fruits with children
  • Select the Banana from fruit

<div class=”HouseHold”>

  <ul class=”fruits”>

    <li value=”Apple”>Apple</li>

    <li value=”Mango”>Mango</li>

    <li value=”Banana”>Banana</li>

    <li value=”Litchi”>Litchi</li>


  <ul class=”vegetables”>

    <li value=”Tomato”>Tomato</li>

    <li value=”Potato”>Potato</li>

    <li value=”Ginger”>Ginger</li>

    <li value=”Onion”>Onion</li>



Solution of Task 3


                               const output1 = document.querySelector(‘div’);


                                const content = output1.firstElementChild;

                                const output2= content.nextElementSibling;


                                const output3 = output2.querySelectorAll(‘*’);


                                const output4 = content.children;


                                const output5 = content.children[2];



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