To Install Laravel follow following points: Use command: Composer global require Laravel/installer Then change the directory to htdocs from cd.. commandAfter that cerate project using following... READ MORE >>
Laravel is a PHP framework for creating Websites that work well with MySQL database and follows MVC – Model view and controller. Model represent data stored in databaseView represent the HTML template that send to the browser.Controller is the... READ MORE >>
Interfaces allow us to specify what methods/functions of a class should implement. It’s quite easy to use a variety of different classes in the same way. When one or more classes use the same interface, it is referred to as... READ MORE >>
There are two types of Polymorphism; i.e. Compile time (function overloading)Run time (function overriding) But PHP "does not support" compile time polymorphism, which means function overloading and operator... READ MORE >>
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