Tag: database

User Authentication using REST API and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) – Step 1

Create a database · Either create the database manually or from the phpmyadmin with any name like restapi_db Create a table · Either create the table manually or from the phpmyadmin with any name like register in restapi_db...

PHP connect to DB

Example (MySQLi procedural) mysqli_connect function is used for connection string which has 3 parameters and mysqli_connect_error function is used to display particular MySQL error. <?php$servername = "localhost";$username =...

What is Database?

Database is a collection of data store in one place; it is precise assortment of information. For Example: An online phone catalog utilizes a data set to store information of individuals, telephone numbers, and other contact subtleties. Your power...

Database Languages

A database is an efficient assortment of information for putting away and dealing with information. A data set motor can sort, change or serve the data on the data set. They uphold electronic capacity and control of information. Information bases...

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