Category: WordPress

Excerpt in WordPress -9

the_excerpt () function is used in WordPress for article summary and Wordpress post with a link to the whole content. In another way we can create our own customize function with button and permalink also and the code is given below: //This...

Call WordPress Menu -8

Registered menu can be called using the wp_nav_menu function by their theme location name. and Wordpress Navwalker class is used for the bootstrap css.Different ways to call the menu are as Way 1: Simply Call the...

Register Menu in WordPress -7

In WordPress, menu can be registered using register_nav_menu functions and use hook after_setup_theme to support this register_nav_menu (‘any Name’, ‘Human Friendly Name’)       Registers a navigation...

Function File in WordPress -6

In WordPress, functions.php file act as a plugin for WordPress site that’s automatically activated current theme. This file uses PHP code to add or change default features on a WordPress site. The Following hooks are given with their...

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