Category: JavaScript/Jquery

Traversing Elements in DOM

Get the parent element – get the parent node of an element. Get child elements – get children of an element. Get siblings of an element – get siblings of an element. Get the parent...

Task using Selecting Elements in Dom

Task 1 Find the count of h2 tags using Dom by click Event via ID <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> function demo() { let btn = document.getElementById('btnCount'); let headings =...

Selecting Elements in DOM

getElementById() – select an element by id. getElementsByName() – select elements by name. getElementsByTagName() – select elements by a tag name. getElementsByClassName() – select elements by one or more class names. ...

Dom in JavaScript

DOM is Document Object Model that is used to represent the data of a document on the web and mainly it is an object-oriented representation of the web page that can be modified easily with a scripting language like JavaScript. DOM is an...

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