JS interview Question/ Answers Set – 5

JS interview Question/ Answers Set – 5

Forms can be submitted easily in JavaScript by calling the following method: document.forms[0].submit();
The keyword is used to access the current object present in a program. This object resides inside a method, and the keyword is used for referencing the corresponding variable or the object.
The attribute is used as a boolean type attribute. It is used to delay the execution of the JavaScript code on a web page until the parser completely loads and initializes the page
The each() function in jQuery is used to iterate over a set of elements. A function can be passed to each() method. This will result in the execution of each of the events for which the object has been called. Syntax: $(selector).each(function(index,element))
The $() function is used as a wrapper to wrap objects into their jQuery counterparts. This is done to give users the ability to call any method that is defined for the jQuery object.

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