HTML interview Question/ Answers Set – 2

HTML interview Question/ Answers Set – 2

  • GET request is generally used in the instances like AJAX calls to an API. GET requests are limited and secure. The user can easily view them if they have the URL.
  • POST request is typically used to store data in a database submitted through a form. POST requests are more secure than getting requests. They have two steps to utilize the resource and remain hidden from the user.
DOCTYPE in HTML denotes the instruction given to a web browser regarding the version of markup language. The web browsers understand the Document Type Definition (DTD) from the HTML document and provide some markup language rules so that the web browser can easily interpret the content correctly.
Geolocation API is used to share the physical location of the client with websites. This works with a new property of the global navigator object and most of the modern browsers support this. var geolocation = navigator.geolocation;
The new form elements introduced in HTML5 are:
  1. datalist – specifies a list of options for input controls
  2. keygen – generates an encryption key
  3. output – defines the result of an expression
  4. progress – heads only in the direction of 100% of the max value
  5. meter – provides for a gauge, displaying a general value within a range
There are five main elements in HTML5 that support media:
  • audio
  • video
  • source
  • embed
  • track

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