Add Category and Products in Woo Commerce -3
You need to add a few items in the database if you need to see your store operational. For adding diverse category, go to your dashboard, at that point Products/Categories
For adding various items, go to your dashboard, at that point Products/Add Product and your screen resemble this:

- Product name.
- Product description.
- Product information area. This one is the place where you set the sort of item that you’re adding, and whether it’s a physical, a downloadable or a virtual item As a component of this focal area, you likewise get tabs for different boundaries of the item:
- General. This is the place where you will set the evaluating and assessments.
- Inventory. WooCommerce permits you to oversee stock levels.
- Shipping. Set the weight, measurements, and the expense of transportation.
- Linked Products. Incredible for setting upsells, cross-deals, and so on (Think, “Clients who purchased this additionally purchased that.”)
- Attributes. Set custom item credits. E.g., in case you’re selling shirts, you can set elective tones here.
- Advanced. Extra settings. Not fundamental.
- Short Description. This is the content that gets shown on the item page under the name. Works best as a short synopsis of what the item is.
- Product Categories. Gathering comparable items together. E.g., “Mens.” It works actually like the standard WordPress classifications.
- Product Tags. An extra method to assist you with getting sorted out your information base of items. It works very much like the standard WordPress labels.
- Product Image. The primary item picture.
- Product Gallery. Extra item pictures to exhibit their greatness.