Add Category and Products in Woo Commerce -3

Add Category and Products in Woo Commerce -3

You need to add a few items in the database if you need to see your store operational. For adding diverse category, go to your dashboard, at that point Products/Categories

For adding various items, go to your dashboard, at that point Products/Add Product and your screen resemble this:

  1. Product name.
  2. Product description.
  3. Product information area. This one is the place where you set the sort of item that you’re adding, and whether it’s a physical, a downloadable or a virtual item As a component of this focal area, you likewise get tabs for different boundaries of the item:
    • General. This is the place where you will set the evaluating and assessments.
    • Inventory. WooCommerce permits you to oversee stock levels.
    • Shipping. Set the weight, measurements, and the expense of transportation.
    • Linked Products. Incredible for setting upsells, cross-deals, and so on (Think, “Clients who purchased this additionally purchased that.”)
    • Attributes. Set custom item credits. E.g., in case you’re selling shirts, you can set elective tones here.
    • Advanced. Extra settings. Not fundamental.
  4. Short Description. This is the content that gets shown on the item page under the name. Works best as a short synopsis of what the item is.
  5. Product Categories. Gathering comparable items together. E.g., “Mens.” It works actually like the standard WordPress classifications.
  6. Product Tags. An extra method to assist you with getting sorted out your information base of items. It works very much like the standard WordPress labels.
  7. Product Image. The primary item picture.
  8. Product Gallery. Extra item pictures to exhibit their greatness.

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