WordPress In Built Functions -11

WordPress In Built Functions -11

Function Name  Description
                                Header and Footer Function
get header (); get footer(); These functions import the content of header.php and footer.php
wp_head ();   It is a hook that allows WordPress to add HTML, scripts and stylesheets in the <head> tags of your theme. Used in header.php
wp_footer(); To load java script files at closing body. Used in footer.php
                                               Blog Function
have_posts() For total number of post
the_post() For each post to display with information
the_title() Title for each post
The_archive_title Display the archive title based on the queried object.
the_content() Body Content for each post
the_permalink() To give link on anything
Get_post_type_archive_link(‘’) To get link of archive page
site_url () Site_url() for index or home page or use Site_url(‘/about-us’) for particular page
date (‘m -F-Y’) get_the_date()    To get the published post Date
the_author() To get the Author Name
get_comments_number() To get the Number of Comments
the_excerpt() Display the post excerpt and the default length is 55 words. Similar to content but for small info.
Paginate_links() For pagination
Get_field Get the field in case of custom filed plugin
                                             Menu Function
register_nav_menu(‘any Name’, ’Human Friendly Name’) Registers a navigation menu location for a theme.
Wp_nav_menu() Displays a navigation menu.
                                          Widget Function
register_sidebar() WordPress function to register the widget
dynamic_sidebar() WordPress function to call the widget
                                     Get Image Functions
get_theme_file_uri()  WordPress function to give path of an image e.g. get_theme_file_uri(‘/img/logo.png’)  <?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/logo.png
get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); To get the featured images of the post
                                     Short Code Function
do_shortcode(‘[]’) WordPress function to use shortcode of any plugin
                                             Hooks Function
wp_enqueue_style(‘name’,location) Registers the script and enqueues it
wp_enqueue_scripts(‘name’, url, dependency, version, load before closing) Fires when scripts and styles are enqueued. wp_enqueue_script(‘scriptname’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/js/scriptsbundled.js’, array(), null, true);  in place of version use microtime()
get_stylesheet_uri() The stylesheet file name is ‘style.css’ which is appended to the stylesheet directory URI path
add_action() Actions are the hooks that the WordPress launches at specific points during execution, or when specific events occur.
add_theme_support Registers theme support for a given feature. Like title, custom Logo etc
after_setup_theme This hook is called during each page load, after the theme is initialized. It is here used for title menu .registration
get_the_ID() Retrieve the ID of the current item in the WordPress Loop.
wp_get_post_parent_id() Returns the ID of the post’s parent page.
wp_get_post_parent_id(get_the_ID()) Display only if current page is child Page and 0 of parent page then false <?php If(wp_get_post_parent_id(get_the_ID())){ ?><?php}?>
wp_list_pages() wp_list_pages() generates a nested, unordered list of WordPress pages
Get_pages() wp_list_pages() handled the output of the pages on the screen for us and Get_pages()  returns the pages in the memory otherwise both are similar
Is_page(‘name’) Determines whether the query is for an existing single page. Current page is given name page

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