What is Laravel?

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP framework for creating Websites that work well with MySQL database and follows MVC – Model view and controller.

  • Model represent data stored in database
  • View represent the HTML template that send to the browser.
  • Controller is the middle between model and view. the main work of controller is to get the data from model or use the model and then inject view to the browser.

Prerequisite to install Laravel in Window Operating System

  • Install XAMP/P in your window operating system
  • Install visual Editor in your window operating system
  • Install Composer in your window operating system from getcomposer.org and set the path C:\xampp\php\php.exe

Here you have to set path according to your own directory either C, D or any other drive where your XAMP/P is stored.

After that check the version of PHP and composer by writing the following command

  • Composer –V
  • PHP- V

Php version must be greater than 7.3

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