PHP Classes and Objects

PHP Classes and Objects

Create a Course class for student that display their course code and subject enrolled from an institute.



  • course code     => 101                        => int datatype
  • subject             => PHP                      => string datatype


  • GetData ()
  • showData ()


The $this is in-built or self-referencing variable which refers to the current object

Way 1:

Define variable value and call in the function using object

<? php

            class Course {

                        private $courseCode=101;

                        private $subject=”Php MySQL”;

                        public function getData () {


                        public function showData () {

                                    echo “Student enrolled for <b>”.


                                    “</b> having code <b>”.




            $student = new Course ();

            $student->showData ();



Student enrolled for Php MySQL having code 101

Way 2:

Declare variable and use value at the time of calling in the function using object


            class Course{

                        private $courseCode;

                        private $subject;

                        public function getData($newCourseCode,$newSubject){




                        public function showData(){

                                    echo “Student enrolled for <b>”.


                                    “</b> having code <b>”.




            $student = new Course();

            $student->getData(101,”Php MySQL”);




Student enrolled for Php MySQL having code 101

Way 3:

  • Declare class in one file using any name[‘courseClass]


            class Course{

                        private $courseCode;

                        private $subject;

                        public function getData($newCourseCode,$newSubject){




                        public function showData(){

                                    echo “Student enrolled for <b>”.


                                    “</b> having code <b>”.





  • Create object in another file by using include function of linking previous class



            $student = new Course();

            $student->getData(101,”Php MySQL”);




Student enrolled for Php MySQL having code 101

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