Theme Setup in WordPress
Custom Theme Setup
Step 1: Generate WordPress boilerplate with custom name
- Go to this page:
Step 2: Generate WordPress boilerplate with custom name
- Go to this page: C:\xampp\htdocs\\wordpress[project-name] \wp-content\themes
- Delete all the previous theme folder
- And paste the downloaded extracted boilerplate with your project name in this folder
Step 3: Open this folder in visual studio or any editor
- Create/Replace screenshot.jpg/png
- Remove the current css in Style.css and use this
- /*
- Theme name: dummy theme
- Author: shairy
- Version: 1.0
- */
Step 4: Open this folder in visual studio or any editor
- Create/Replace screenshot.jpg/png
- Remove the current css in Style.css and use this
- /*
- Theme name: dummy theme
- Author: shairy
- Version: 1.0
- */
- Create Folder in Theme if necessary like
- Js
- Image
- Css
Step 5: Open this admin panel to activate the current theme
- Go to this page: http://localhost/[project-name] /wp-admin/themes. Php
- Activate the theme that available with your screenshot in theme folder
Step 6: WordPress Blog Customization
- Create 2 new pages
- Home Page
- Blog Page
- Setting-> Reading-> Click static page
- Front page= Home page
- Post page= Blog page
- Now blog and index both are same
- Create front-page.php file in Visual studio
- Go to Index page
- Copy everything and then paste in front-page.php and delete from index.php (we create duplicate copy now this is our home page)
- Now home page is front-page. php and blog is index.php
- For new pages create new php file i.e. page-event[custom-name]
- For single pages create new php file i.e. single-event[custom-name]
- For archive pages create new php file i.e. archive-event[custom-name]
Well That’s the thing that i was looking For
Step by step theme setup
Thanks for the readable and clear content