CSS interview Question/ Answers Set – 6
- Using display property(display: none). It’s not available for screen readers. The element will not exist in the DOM if display: none is used.
- Using visibility property(visibility: hidden), will take up the space of the element. It will be available to screen reader users. The element will actually be present in the DOM, but not shown on the screen.
- Using position property (position: absolute). Make it available outside the screen
- CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional system, meaning it can handle both columns and rows. Grid layout is intended for larger-scale layouts which aren’t linear in design.
- Flexbox is largely a one-dimensional system (either in a column or a row). Flexbox layout is most appropriate to the components of an application.
- It makes every element in the document include the padding and border in the element’s inner dimension for the height and width computation.
- In box-sizing: border-box, The height of an element is now calculated by the content's height + vertical padding + vertical border width.
- The width of an element is now calculated by the content's width + horizontal padding + horizontal border width.
The style is having the important will have the highest precedence and it overrides the cascaded property.