String Methods in Java

String Methods in Java

Extracting a Substring from a String

slice() method is used to extract a part or substring from a string. This method takes 2 parameters: like str.slice(startIndex, endIndex).


var str = “The Best IT Company in Ludhiana is ershairykalra.”;

var subStr = str.slice(4, 19);


Extracting a Fixed Number of Characters from a String

JavaScript also provide the substr() method which is similar to slice() with a small difference, the second parameter specifies the number of characters to extract instead of ending index, like str.substr(startIndex, length). If length is 0 or a negative number, an empty string is returned. The following example demonstrates how it works:


var str = ” The Best IT Company in Ludhiana is ershairykalra.”;

document.write(str.substr(4, 15));

Replacing the Contents of a String

Replace() method is used to replace part of a string with another string and returns a new string. This method takes two parameters like str.replace(regexp|substr, newSubstr).

  • First is regular expression to match or substring to be replaced
  • Second is a replacement string


var str = ” The Best IT Company in Ludhiana is ershairykalra company.”;

var result = str.replace(“Company”, “Institute”);


Replace() method is case sensitive and pick first string only; for case-insensitive we use a regular expression (regexp) with an i modifier

var str = ” The Best IT Company in Ludhiana is ershairykalra company.”;

var result = str.replace(/company /i, ” Institute “);


if we want to replace all string in a case-insensitive manner you can use the g modifier along with the i modifier, like this:


var str = ” The Best IT Company in Ludhiana is ershairykalra company.”;

var result = str.replace(/company /ig, ” Institute “);


Converting a String to Uppercase or Lowercase

toUpperCase() and  toLowerCase methods are used to convert a string to uppercase and lowercase


var str = “Shairy Kalra”;

var result = str.toUpperCase();


var result = str.toLowerCase();


Accessing Individual Characters from a String

charAt() method is used to access individual character from a string, like str.charAt(index).


var str = “Shairy Kalra”;


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